I read 2 pages of the titanic disaster.
My book is about a titanic ship sinking in the water because they got hit by a iceburg.
I like to read this book and learn more.
I am a Year 5 student at Panmure Bridge School, Auckland, New Zealand. My teachers are Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie.
I read 2 pages of the titanic disaster.
My book is about a titanic ship sinking in the water because they got hit by a iceburg.
I like to read this book and learn more.
Calendars show us the Day, week or month.
There are 12 months in the year,they, are, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, Sectember, October, November, December.
Months have 28,30 or 31 days.
There are number patterns on a calendar by looking for four connecting days for example 20, 60 100
Knowing before and after number sequnce and 7 timestables helps us reading a calendar
This week we leaned about ballance.
We balanced while passing the basket ball and other equipments.
It was hard to try ballancing and throwing the ball.
This week I learned about cause and effect.
Cause is why it happend and Effect means what happend.
This Term I match the pictures and wrote a sentence about the caause and effect. I learned about the compund sentenes.
I completed the sun and the melted ice cream.
It was a little hard.
This week we tried to figure out time problems.
So first we firgured out which was the minute hand and the hour hand.
Then we had the anolog clock to figure out wich one is bigger.
The last thing we did was mark our answers.
I found this hard because I got comfused telling the time.
These are real simple machines in real life.
They are Pulleys,wedge,wheel and axle,lever,inclined plane,screw.
I - Analog clocks are a piece of technology that help tell time.
M - A Clocks has 3 mechanisms.
The second hand moves around the clock the fastest.
The minute hand is the longest and moves when the secont completes 1 rotation.
The hour hand will move until 60 mins is finish and minute hand moves 60 secs.
Simple machines are machines that help move objects.
1. Screw
2. Pully
3. Wheel and axle
4. Lever
5. Wedge